Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 3

Starting Weight: 210
Current Weight: 203.6
Target Weight: 185

I think the only reason I lost weight this week was because I didn't have time to each anything all day until I got home. I didn't do that bad once I got home, but I don't want to fall into this habit again. This week should go better as far as eating regularly. I read a study done here at BYU about how you need to cut back on calories as you get older because you are doing less. I don't think that is the case right now, but one of their findings suggested that keeping track of what you eat significantly increases your ability to eat smaller portions. I know most of you are already doing that with Weight Watchers, so now you have some science to back you up. I think I am going to start doing the same thing this week. It helps keep me accountable.

On a side note, I have noticed that whatever I eat or drink is what my girls want to eat and drink. When I was drinking Coke all the time, I frequently had conversations like this:

Vanessa: Daddy, can I have a sip of your Coke.

Daddy: No, sweetie. Coke isn't good for your body.

Vanessa: Daddy, is Coke good for your body?

What the crap do you say to that?

However, since I have been eating a lot more fruit, they have both gone crazy over oranges, apples, celery, and all sorts of healthier stuff. After reading some stuff on dwarfism and how much diet can affect things, I have a new resolve to get rid of my crappy habits.

Good luck everyone!


Mom B. said...

Wow, that's a great loss! It is hard to eat right when you are busy. The new thing at WW is to track your hunger and try to eat before you get to the "starving" phase. I think it evens out your blood sugar and helps you lose better.

I'm glad to hear the girls are following your lead with eating fruits and veggies for snacks. It's hard when you have little ones, because they love the unhealthy goodies. If you choose a better snack, they forget all about the junk. I always think that I want something unhealthy, or more of a carb for a snack, but fruit really does taste great and is very satisfying!

Good luck this week keeping track of what you eat. It is hard at first, but after a while it is second nature.

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

Way to go, Sweetie! I think you're helping us all create better habits. Lunch time is so much easier with the girls, and I think you good eating habits make it easier for you to have energy even after a long day. Thanks for being an awesome example!