Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bring it on.

Skinnier Times

Starting Weight - 202 (right after Christmas)
Current Weight - 200.5
Target Weight - 150

What I'm sick and tired of: My "fat" pants getting too tight, heartburn, lack of activity, back aches, not being able to look the way I'd like to, being a FOOD ADDICT!!!

What I'm doing to change it: WW points - I'm basically Mom's protege and am trying to do everything she does. I need to add walking in there - but that would require me to get out of bed before 9:30 a.m. I'm working on it :).

I'm going to try and post on here, everyday, what foods I've eaten and my points. Hopefully that will help this time! Good luck, people!!

1 comment:

Mom B. said...

Man, I can't believe how good I looked! Thanks for giving me some motivation!