Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 3

1 c. Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal - 3 pts.
1 small peach, sliced - 0 pts.
1 WW yogurt - 1 pt.

Wonderful Waldorf Salad - 6 pts.
15 ff Pringles - 1 pt.

1 Jell-o Fruit Sensations - 1 pt.
2 T. ff Reddi Whip - 0 pts.

WW Copycat "Gourmet Chicken Garlic" Pizza
2 Double Fiber English muffins, split - 3 pts.
2 T. lite Ranch dressing + 1 clove garlic, minced - 2 pts.
2 oz. cooked, chopped chicken breast - 2 pts.
4 T. 2% Kraft Mozzarella Cheese, shredded - 2 pts.
4 T. roma tomatoes, chopped & seeded - 0 pts.
2 T. green onions, sliced - 0 pts.

2 packs Hostess 100 calorie chocolate cupcakes - 3 pts.
1/2 c. Breyer's Slow Churned ff Vanilla Ice Cream - 1 pt.

Water - didn't keep track

Activity - 0

Points used - 25
Activity points - 0
Total points - 25
Target points - 26
Flex points used so far this week - 1.5

1 comment:

Mom B. said...

Looks like you are finding some good ideas to keep it from getting boring! I like the pizza recipe! I'll have to try it!