Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 2

Weight lost this week: 2.2
Total weight lost: 6.4
Pounds to go: ??? too many

What worked for me:

So far so good. It has been pretty easy up to now. Just eating lots of veggies and fruits, drinking water, taking my vitamin, tracking what I eat, using their online tools, attending my meeting and generally doing what Weight Watchers is all about. It's a very good program, and it works great if you do what they say! That's the tricky part, it is so easy to fudge on points! So far I have had a hard time using up all my points. As I lose weight, I get fewer points, so it will get harder.

It has been easy during the day to stay on track. Because I'm at work, I'm busy and there's not much food around, so I don't eat that much. That leaves me plenty of points for the evening, which is my hardest time to stay on track.

I have been keeping my meals simple till I get in the habit of WW again. I still have soup most every lunch. Dinner is usually a frozen meal, salad, or soup. I would like to start cooking again someday, but until then, this seems to be working for me.

Goals next week:

Keep on track, drink more water, try to walk and stay positive. If if mess up, I will not give up, but just get right back on track!

Good luck to everyone this week!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

woohoo! go, mom! you're an inspiration! we're really going to do it this time.

keep the tips coming - i had one of those bagels last night with the light cream cheese - yum!!!!