Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome Back...

Well, I'm back at it. Weight Watchers that is! I went back on Thursday and had the dreaded "weigh in" to look forward to. It wasn't too bad, but then again it wasn't too good either! At least I'm not the only one still struggling with the weight issue. I recognized several ladies from one year ago when I was last there. Our leader is also the same, which was good and bad. Good because she is a fun gal and I enjoy listening to her, but bad because she remembered me! It made me feel kinda like a looser because I was at almost the same weight as last year. Oh well, at least I'm still trying!

My goals are pretty simple:

1. Get back on the WW program.
2. Try to walk at least three times a week on my treadmill.
3. Don't beat myself up if I am not perfect on the other two goals!

I'll be posting on Fridays, after my weigh in on Thursday. Wish me luck on my first week, especially with all the goodies that are still in my pantry after the holidays!!!


Michelle said...

way to go, mom! you are awesome. don't worry about weighing the same; i actually weigh more than i did last year at this time. i'm sure your leader had nothing but respect for you for coming back and trying again!

good luck this week - and toss the pantry goodies! you and mark can have a dr. oz moment by throwing it all in the fireplace! i made peter take all of the christmas candy we received to work. it makes it so much easier! love you!

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

Oye! I need to not read these early in the morning. I thought Michelle wrote "panty goodies" and had to do a double-take!

Y'know, I agree with Michelle. I'm sure leaders in these programs are much like leaders in any other, they are so proud of people that are coming and making an effort. You are awesome and you'll do great! (Besides, not matter what your weight goal, you are beautiful now, a trait that you have passed on to your children and grandchildren).

mateo said...

Awesome mom! I was just realizing that you are the only one who has to weigh yourself in front of a group. That takes a lot of courage. I know you'll do great!

I agree with Michelle about burning the goodies. Just don't say things like "help me, I'm melting" when you throw them in. If Mark is anything like me, he might start to cry.