This picture epitomizes my goals for this year. For my graduation present (thank you mom and dad :) ) I want to climb Mt. Rainier. After lots of reading and advice from others who have climbed Rainier, it is obvious that I need to make some changes in my diet and daily activity level. I'm grateful for Matt who created this blogg and has added another catylst to my motivation by inviting me to run the St. George Marathon with him in October. Now I have two great reasons for slapping myself back into shape.
Right now I stand almost where Matt is at about 190 pounds. I think I would like to get down to 170 or 160. I'm not sure if I can actually loose that much weight without starving but I'll try.
More important to me than the weight is my endurance level and diet. These are my basic starting goals for this month.
1) Like Matt, no more pop. I plan to stick to no more than one a month. That one a month will probably end up being a fatty 2 liter or something but whatever.
2) Limit the drive through to once a month.
3) Eat breakfast every day.
4) Eat a little bit every 2 hours between meals to keep metabolism going. Eating wicked hot foods will help this too.
5) Drink 2 to 3 liters (64 - 96 oz...holy crap) of water per day.
6) Drink a glass of milk a day. I never could but now I can so I probably should.
7) Run 2 1/2 or 3 miles 4-5 days a week or substitute with biking 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
8) Do crunches and push-ups before bed 5 days a week.
9) Develop a weight training regimine.
Thats it! Good luck to everyone.
Sweet dude! Those are some great goals. The marathon training coupled with biking will really build your endurance. You'll have to keep us all motivated.
Cool! I'm so glad you and Matt will get to run together. I think that will make the experience even cooler for both of you! I'm proud of your Mountain Dew goal. Staying away from pop that long is hard for me! Good luck with it all, and I can't wait to hear about the mountain climbing ecperience!
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