Monday, January 7, 2008

"Do, or Do Not. There is No Try."

Even though our family is not really a Star Wars family, I had to throw that in.

So, everyone knows that Peter & I are having a "Peter Weekend" in Ft. Lauderdale at the end of May. This will definitely involve a beach - eek. To avoid being spotted as a beached whale, I WILL lose 40 pounds by May 28th. That gives me 20 weeks (a weight loss of 2 lbs. a week).

My game plan starts today, by getting back on the Weight Watcher's points system and by also trying to eat more whole foods and less of the junk. My water goals are to drink 6 - 8 (8 oz.) glasses per day. My exercise goal, for now, is to walk briskly three times a week (MWF), for 30 minute intervals, on my treadmill. Gradually I'd like to increase, but we'll see what my joints have to say after a couple of weeks.

Each Monday I will post on here how much I lost (or gained...eek), food confessions, and what worked for me. If I have a recipe that I loved, I'll post that, too.

I'm hoping that each of you will share your successes, tips and any great recipes that are working for you! Good luck, and may the force be with you!


mateo said...

Sweet! Maybe you should put a little Yoda doll on your treadmill for those tougher miles! Good luck this week. I look forward to hearing your report.

p.s. here's one low-fat item not to try; chocolate organic soy cream. tastes like frozen butt water!

Mom B. said...

I'm right there with you on WW! This will be fun! I'll post after my first week back at WW on Thursday.

Mom B. said...
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Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

Okay, I love the Yoda picture. I wonder if we should have "Eye of the Tiger" or some other Rocky music for the site (Ask Matt about Northstar).

I am so impressed with all you're doing, especially knowing that you have RA, sleepless nights, and sick kids to deal with. You will do such an awesome job, I am sure. (And there's no way you'd look like a beached whale, you already look great).