Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 1 - Megan

Ok, I'm ready to start!!! I actually started on Monday, so I'll report back next Monday, not Wednesday.

Weight lost - 0
Weight to loose - 20lbs

The Plan: 31pts a day
Breakfast: Slimfast (16oz of milk and one scoop of powder, makes it go further)(5pts)
Lunch: Progresso 0-1pt. or Campbells light soups and a piece of toast (4pts)
Dinner: WW frozen meal or whatever I make for Jason (switch every other night)
My extras to choose from:
Coke 3pts
WW cookie or zinger 1pt
WW ice cream sundaes 3 pts
WW yogurt 1pt
Apple or Orange 1pt
and of course veggies.

May sound kind of boring, but It's easiest for me to have something planned (and easy) to eat every day, simplicity is key for me! The soups are all delicious and so that gives me some variety to choose from, so I don't get bored. The sweets really help me out, that is my biggest temptation, so if I allow myself little treats, I don't end up binging!

I plan on exercising at least 3 times a week and drink 2 big (hospital) cups of water a day. Off I go!

1 comment:

Mom B. said...

Way to go! I like simplicity, it helps keep you from cheating and helps while you are getting into the swing of the new plan. Just make sure you eat all of your points, because if you don't your metabolism will slow down! Good luck!