Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 6 - What the crap?

Pounds lost this week: 2.0
Total pounds lost: 8.5
Pounds to go: 31.5


Okay, I seriously don't know how I lost ANY weight this week...confessions include a batch of oatmeal scotchies (where I probably ate half the batch), Ben & Jerry's (the whole pint), chocolates, other cookie offenses, and basically not tracking anything! And, NO EXERCISE! How jacked is this?

What Worked for Me

Well, apparently, eating whatever the crap I want seems to be working! In all reality, I was sick almost the whole week and although I ate bad stuff, I really didn't eat much of anything good for me - no appetite for healthies. So maybe the calories worked themselves out.

Goals for This Week

I had a really good workout yesterday and plan to do it everyday this week, except Sunday. The boys are both sick, so hopefully I'll get it in. Since my appetite is back, I need to get back to tracking so I don't undo this magical weight loss! Also, I really miss not posting a recipe here to share and so I'm going to try some new things this week and hopefully one of them will be worthy!

I WANT TO REACH MY 10 POUND WEIGHT LOSS GOAL THIS WEEK!! wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!!


Mom B. said...

Wow, that's awesome! I think sometimes our bodies go into "starvation" mode when we are dieting. When we relax a little and consume more calories it can give our metabolism a boost!

Good job on the exercise, hope you can keep it up with the sick buddies! Give them hugs and kisses from Grandma!!!

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

I'm sorry you're sick again...I'm with ya on that boat, including eating only junk. For me it's because I can taste it better (stiffed up you know).

Anyway, hooray for the weight loss! And I hope you and your family feel better soon! Being sick sucks!!!

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

Sorry, that's supposed to say stuffed up, as in congestion! It sounds a little scary without that clarification!

mateo said...

Way to have a splurge week and still lose weight!! I think that happened to me a few weeks ago. I'll bet just taking care of sick kids will count for at least a few days of exercise!! Good luck and I hope you feel better this week.